Monday, February 21, 2011

Revision of rates of Dearness Allowance to Officers with effect from 01.01.1974 Revision of Scales of Pay of Ministerial Officers with effect from 01.07.1973. Payment of House Rent Allowance – Clarification. Revision of Scales of Pay of Ministerial Officers – Rectification of Anomaly. Conferment of Powers – Junior Engineers now designated as Assistant Engineers. larification of junior/senior fixation of Assistant Engineers



Establishment – Revision of rates of Dearness Allowance to Officers of the Kerala State Electricity Board – Orders issued.

B.O.No.EB.I.4013/74                                                              Dated, Trivandrum, 12.11.1974.

            1. B.O.No.EB.I-2348/71 dated 18.8.1973.
            2. B.O.No.EB.I-2348/71 dated 1.9.1973.


            The Board has in its order read as 1st paper, accepted a new formula of Variable D.A. for workmen under the Board with effect from 1.5.1973.  The officers under the Board were however given only an additional Dearness Allowance of Rs.40/- with effect from 1.5.1973, in the Board order read as 2nd paper.  Various Associations representing the officers have been requesting for payment of the Central rates of Dearness Allowance as was given to them previously.  They have also pointed out various cases of anomalies where juniors in the category of workmen are getting more emoluments than seniors in the officer cadre, due to their drawing Variable Dearness Allowance.

            The Board after considering the whole issue in detail hereby orders that the rate of Dearness Allowance as applicable to State Government employees from 1.1.1974 and revisions, if any, from time to time will be granted in the case of the officers under the Board who are not getting Variable Dearness Allowance.  The State Government have while revising the scales of pay of their employees allowed Dearness Allowance at the following rates with effect from 1.1.1974:-

                Pay range                                          Rate of Dearness Allowance  

  Above Rs.300/- but not exceeding            12% of pay subject to a minimum of Rs.48/- and
  Rs.900/-                                                     a maximum of Rs.108/- per mensem
  Above Rs.900/- and upto Rs.926/-            Marginal adjustments so that pay plus Dearness
                                                                     Allowance does not exceed Rs.1,008/- per                                                                            mensem.
Rs.927/- and above                                     Rs.81/- per mensem.

            For arriving at the revised basic pay, the State Government have taken into account the then existing basic pay and the Dearness Allowance prior to 1.5.1973 alone.  Similarly for arriving at the basic pay of the officers of the Board for the purpose of calculation of Dearness Allowance the ad-hoc increase of Rs.16/-  paid before 1.5.1973 will be raised to Rs.37/- or Rs.27/- as the case may be as given in the Annexure No.I to this Board Order.  The revised rate of ad-hoc increase is also payable to the officers drawing a basic pay upto and including Rs.1,250/- per mensem with effect from 1.1.1974 as indicated in Annexure II.  The additional Dearness Allowance of Rs.40/-  sanctioned in Board Order read as 2nd paper will not be taken into account for calculating the percentage Dearness Allowance and it will not be paid with effect from 1.1.1974.  These orders will take effect from 1.1.1974.

            Certain illustrations to facilitate the calculations of Dearness Allowance are given in Annexure No.II. 

                                                                                             (By Order of the Board)

                                                                                             (K.V. Kunhunni Menon)


            The Chief Engineer (Electricity) & (Civil)
            The Financial Adviser & Chief Accounts Officer
            The Personnel Manager / Personnel Officer

                                                                                             Forwarded / By Order



Rates of D.A. and Adhoc increase in emoluments to be reckoned for                                         purposes of calculation of percentage D.A.

Pay Range

Adhoc increase in emoluments
  400 – 449
  450 – 499
  500 – 542
163 to 121 *
  543 – 575
  576 – 999
  1000 – 1250
  1251 and above
*  Amount by which pay falls short of Rs.663/-


                                                           Existing emoluments          Revised emoluments
                                                                                                      As on 1-1-1974
A.    Pay                                                             425                                425
       D.A.                                                            160                                160
       Adhoc increase                                            16                                  37
       Additional D.A.                                             40                                  ..                                
       Percentage of D.A                                       . .                                   74.64
       Total                                                           641                               696.64

B.    Pay                                                            625                                  625
       D.A.                                                           120                                  120
       Adhoc increase                                           16                                    27 
       Additional D.A.                                            40                                    . .
       Percentage of D.A.                                      . .                                    92.64
       Total                                                          801                                 864.64

C.   Pay                                                           1251                                1251     
       D.A.                                                           100                                  100
       Percentage of D.A.                                     ….                                    81
       Total                                                        1351                               1432



Establishment – Kerala State Electricity Board – Revision of scales of pay of Ministerial Officers – Orders issued -           

B.O. No.EB.I-16488/76                                                                          Dated, Trivandrum,  19-8-1976.           

Read:-  Letters No. 13890/A2/74/W&P dated 27.5.76 from the Secretary to Government, Water &
            Power (Electricity A) Department, Government of Kerala.                 


            The Board hereby orders revision of scales of pay of Ministerial Officers as detailed below:-

1.           Scales of Pay:

         1.  Senior Superintendents                      Rs.605-25-905-25/2-980 for promotees and
              Divisional Accountants Gr. II              Rs.555-25-905-25/2-980 for direct recruits                                                     
              Chief Store Keepers

         2.  Assistant Accounts Officers
              P.A. to Chairman
              Assistant Secretary                             Rs.800-40-1000-50/2-1100-50/2-1250
              Regional Personnel Officer
              Divisional Accountant Gr. I
              Superintendent of Stores

         3.  Accounts Officer                                  Rs.850-50-1250-50/2-1350
              Deputy Secretary

         4.  Personnel Officer                                 Rs.1100-50-1500-50/2-1600
              Public Relations Officer

         5.  Deputy Chief Accounts Officer   
              Special Officer (Revenue)                  Rs.1150-50-1550-50/2-1650
              Senior Accounts Officer

         6.  Personnel Manager                             Rs.1425-50-1775-50/2-1875

         7.  Financial Adviser & Chief                    Rs.2200/- (fixed) with effect
              Accounts Officer                                  from 4.3.1974.

2.         Fixation benefit

            ‘Existing emolument’ for the purpose of fixation of pay will be the total of (i) the basic pay in the existing scale and (ii) dearness allowance and adhoc increase admissible on such basic pay at
the rates in force as on 30.4.1973.  Pay in the revised scale will be fixed at the stage in the revised scale next above the ‘existing emolument’, whether it represents a stage in the revised scale or not.  (The Additional Dearness Allowance of Rs.40/- per month sanctioned to officers under the Board with effect from 1.5.1973 will not be taken into account for purpose of pay fixation.  This amount stands
absorbed in the percentage Dearness Allowance sanctioned with effect from 1.1.1974 vide Board Order No.EB.I.4013/74/12.11.1974).

            In the case of officers who have not got the minimum benefit of one increment (either by way of weightage or by stage fixation in 1972 pay revision, ordered in Board Orders No.EB.II.18117/68/11.10.1972 and 14.11.1972), their pay already fixed as per 1972 revision will be stepped up to next higher stage in the revised scale of pay as on 1.9.1972.  Such officers will be allowed to revise their 1972 options, if required, subject to the condition that the date of re-option shall not be later than the date of option for the revised scales now sanctioned.  The fixation contemplated in the present revision will be made after refixing their pay as mentioned above.

3.         Dearness Allowance:
            In respect of those whose pay is fixed in the revised scales, the percentage Dearness Allowance sanctioned from 1.1.1974 will be calculated with reference to the revised pay only.  The payment of additional Dearness Allowance for the period prior to 1.1.1974 will not be reviewed.  There will be no fixed Dearness Allowance or adhoc increase on revised pay.

4.         Option:
            Officers will be given the benefit of exercising option to elect suitable dates for coming over to the new scales. A period of three months from the date of this order will be allowed for exercising option.  If an employee does not exercise option in writing within the time specified and tender the same to the officer competent to fix his pay, he will be deemed to have come over to the revised scales with effect from 1.7.1973.

5.         The revised scales of pay will come into effect from 1.7.1973 except in the case of Financial Adviser & Chief Accounts Officer.

6.         Payment of arrears:
            50% of the arrears of pay due to the officers on account of the revision will be deposited in the Provident Fund Account and no amount from this deposit will be allowed to be withdrawn as loan for a period of one year.
                                                                                                         By Order of the Board

                                                                                                             R. Ravi Varma
            All Chief Engineers (Ele. & Civil), Chief Planning.
            Financial Adviser & Chief Accounts Officer.

                                                                                                       Forwarded / By order




Establishment – Revision of scales of pay of Ministerial Officers – Payment of House Rent Allowance – Clarified – orders issued.

B.O. No. EB1-16488/76                                                                            Dated/Trivandrum/25-8-1976.

Read:  1.  B.O. No.EB1-16961/70/26-9-1973.
           2.        do.   EB1-34094/74/1-4.1975.      
           3.        do.   EB1-16488/76/19-8-1976.     
           4.   Note No.Estt.Gl/TR/301/76/25-8-1976 from the FA & Chief Accounts Officer.


            The Board hereby orders that the limit of Rs.625/- fixed for the payment of House

Rent Allowance in respect of officers in the pre-revision scale of pay will be raised to

Rs.780/- in the revised scale ordered in B.O. read as third paper above.    

                                                                                                     (By order of the Board)

                                                                                                         (R. Ravivarma)
                                                                                                     Secretary to the Board


            The Chief Engineers (Electricity & Civil)
            The FA & Chief Accounts Officer

Copy to: The Accountant General, Kerala
               Stock File

                                                                                                    Forwarded / By Order




Establishment – Kerala State Electricity Board – Revision of scales of pay of Ministerial Officers – Rectification of anomaly in respect of persons promoted after 1-7-73 – Orders issued.

B.O. NO. EB1-16488/76/                                                            Dated/Trivandrum/6-10-1976.

Read:-  1.  Board Order No.EB1-16488/76 dated 19-8-1976.
             2.  Board Order No.EB1-16488/76 dated 23-8-1976.
             3.  Note No.GA.IV/TR/64 dated 9-9-76 from the Financial Adviser & Chief Accounts

O  R D E R

                 In the Board order read as 2nd paper above it was ordered that in the case of those officers who actually suffer a reduction in emolument drawn in the old scale as on the date of option and fixation, in relation to the pay fixed in the revised scale will be allowed the benefit of fixation at the next higher stage in the revised scale. 

                The Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer has pointed out that a similar drop in emolument is existing in the case, of those who are appointed after 1-7-73, the date of pay revision as Divisional Accountant Grade II/Senior Superintendent/Chief Store Keeper also.   He has sought for orders regarding the rectification of the above anomaly.

                Having considered the question in detail the Board hereby orders that in such cases also the benefit of fixation at the next higher stage will be allowed as a special case.

               By order of the Board

     (R. RAVI VARMA)            
                                                                                         SECRETARY TO THE BOARD


    The Chief Engineers (Electricity & Civil)

                                                                                                  Forwarded / By Order




Conferment of powers – Junior Engineers now designated as Assistant Engineers – Orders issued.

B.O.No. EB.II-24780/75                                                                  Dated, Trivandrum,  25-2-1977.

O  R  D  E  R

                        The method of enhancing efficiency in the Board has been engaging the attention of the Board for some time.  The Board after carefully considering the issues involved, has decided that with effect from 25-2-1977 the Junior Engineers shall stand re-designated as Assistant Engineers and shall draw pay in the scale of Rs.550-25-750-25/2-825.  Consequent on the above, the powers appended to these orders as Appendix I are conferred on them.  They shall exercise these powers besides the powers they were hitherto exercising as Junior Engineers.

                        2.  The pay of the Assistant Engineers in the scale specified above shall be as shown in Appendix II.

                        3.  The Assistant Engineers (re-designated) shall not be eligible to draw Spread Over Allowance drawn by the erstwhile Junior Engineers.  House Rent Allowance shall be drawn by the Assistant Engineers based on the same rules as are applicable to officers.  The practice of giving 3 advance increments to direct recruits is stopped.

                        4.  The Assistant Executive Engineers (supernumerary) created as per B.O.No.EB.II-25195/73 dated 26-3-1974 who are enjoying the scale of pay of Assistant Executive Engineers but carrying out the functions of the erstwhile Junior Engineers shall continue in the same scale of pay so long as they remain as Assistant Executive Engineers (supernumerary).  They shall carry out the functions of the Assistant Engineers from this date.

                        5.  All Assistant Engineers shall be supervisory officers in respect of all subordinates working under them.

                                                                                                           By Order of the Board

                                                                                                              (R. RAVI VARMA)
                                                                                                          Secretary to the Board


The Chief Engineers (Electricity-General) & (Civil-General)

                                                                                                          Forwarded / By Order


A  N  N  E  X  U  R  E  -  I

POWERS DELEGATED TO ASSISTANT ENGINEERS                                                                       OF KERALA STATE ELECTRICITY BOARD

            (1)   He shall be the appointing authority in respect of Electricity Workers subject to rules laid             down by the Board from time to time.

            (2)   To fix the Headquarters of Electricity Workers as well as Executive employees up to the
                   rank of Linemen/Second Grade Overseers/Work Superintendents.

            (3)   To sanction Earned Leave to his subordinates up to the rank of Linemen/Second Grade
                  Overseers/Work Superintendents subject to eligibility up to a period of 30 days without
                   Substitute and Casual Leave to all his subordinates.

            (4)   To sanction journeys of all his subordinates beyond his jurisdiction but within the Division

            (5)   To arrange for works under Limited Quotation System up to Rs.500/- in the case of Civil
                   works as well as Labour Contracts and issue work orders therefor.

            (6)   To accept quotations for purchase of stock/stock articles/Tools & Plant items/ or other
                   materials in case of urgent necessities against requirements of sanctioned works up to
                   Rs.100/- in each case (subject to a maximum of Rs.1000/- per annum) and make cash
                   purchases therefor.

            (7)   To make cash purchase of articles listed vide 6 above, without tenders being called for               but after making personal enquiries, at the lowest offered rates up to Rs.25/- a time
                   subject to the limitation that the total of such purchases should not exceed Rs.250/-
                   per annum.

    (7)    (a)   Purchase stationery up to Rs.10/- at a time subject to Rs.50/- per annum.

(8)      To incur expenditure from office contingency not exceeding Rs.25/- at a time in
 connection with publicity, refreshments, Name Boards etc. subject to a limit of Rs.100/-
 per year.

(9)      To incur expenditure on Repairs of Tools and furniture up to a limit of Rs.25/- at a time
 subject to the limitation that the total expenditure should not exceed Rs.200/- per annum.

(10)  To sanction single phase temporary and permanent service connections subject to

(11)  To sanction additional points to be connected up to existing installations of consumers
 subject to rules.

(12)  To sanction emergency medical advance in case of accidents during the course of work
 upto Rs.100/- in each case.

(13)  To execute service connection agreements in respect of consumers under tariffs LT
 I (a) & I (b).

(14) To keep under suspension Electricity Workers/Assistant Linemen/Line Helpers and
Office Attendants.

(15)  To transfer within his jurisdiction all subordinates under him up to the rank of Linemen/
 Second Grade Overseers/Work Superintendents/as well as Electricity Workers.

(16)  To allocate work among his subordinates according to the day to day requirements.

(17) To function as disciplinary authority in respect of Electricity Workers, Line Helper/
Assistant Linemen and Office Attendants in respect of minor punbishments.


Scale of pay of Junior Engineers on re-designation as Assistant Engineers with effect from 25-2-1977

SCALE:        Rs.  550-25-750-25/2-825


Pay in the scale of 425-625                                     Corresponding pay in the scale of 550-825


450                                                                                                                                                              550

475                                                                                                                                                              575

500                                                                                                                                                              600

525                                                                                                                                                              625

550                                                                                                                                                              650

575                                                                                                                                                              675

600                                                                                                                                                              700

625                                                                                                                                                              725

The Assistant Engineers will be eligible to the rates of D.A. admissible to the Officers of the Board from to time as against fixed D.A. and variable D.A. now admissible to them as Junior Engineers (workers).

The period of incremental service put in by the employees at the respective stages in the existing scale will be reckoned for granting future increments in the Assistant Engineer’s scale (ie. the employees will get their next increment in the Assistant Engineer’s scale on the dates on which they would have drawn the same in the existing scale).



Conferment of powers – Junior Engineers now designated as Assistant Engineers – Further orders issued.

B.O.No. EB.II-24780/75                                                                        Dated, Trivandrum, 10-3-1977.

READ:              B.O.No.EB.II-24780/75 dated 25-2-1977.

O  R  D  E  R

In Board Order read above, the Junior Engineers were ordered to be re-designated as Assistant Engineers, in the scale of pay of Rs.550-25-750-25/2-825 with effect from 25-2-1977.  The Board on reconsideration is pleased to substitute the above scale of pay of Assistant Engineers as Rs.600-25-800-25/2-875 with effect from that date.  Consequent on this, the mode of fixation of pay shown as Annexure II in the B.O. read above is also substituted as given in the Annexure II (revised) appended to this order.

2.  Also the last sentence in para 4 of the B.O. read above will be recast as follows:-

                        “They shall carry out the functions of the Assistant Engineers/Assistant Executive
                         Engineers from 25-2-1977”.

3.  B.O. No.EB.II-24780/75 dated 25-2-1977 stands modified to this extent.


                                                                                                           BY ORDER OF THE BOARD

                                                                                                                    (R. RAVI VARMA)
                                                                                                                Secretary to the Board


The Chief Engineers (Electricity-General)  & (Civil-General)

                                                                                                               Forwarded / BY Order



Scale of pay of Junior Engineers on re-designation as Assistant Engineers with effect from 25-2-1977

SCALE:    Rs.600-25-800-25/2-875


            Pay in the scale of Rs.425-625                  Corresponding pay in the scale of Rs.600-875


450                                                                                                                                     600


500                                                                       625  

550                                                                       650

575                                                                                                                                     675

600                                                                                                                                     700

625                                                                       725

                        The Assistant Engineers will be eligible to the rates of D.A. admissible to the officers of the Board from time to time as against fixed D.A. and Variable D.A. previously admissible to them as Junior Engineers.

                        The period of incremental service put in by the employees at the respective stages in the existing scale will be reckoned for granting future increments in the Assistant Engineer’s scale
(ie. the employees will get their next increment in the Assistant Engineer’s scale on the dates on which they would have drawn the same in the existing scale).

                        While fixing the pay, in case a junior happens to draw higher pay than a senior, the pay of the senior will also be fixed on a par with that of the junior.



Establishment – Re-designation of Junior Engineers as Assistant Engineers – Junior/Senior fixation of pay – clarification – Orders issued.

B.O.No. EB.II – 24780/75                                                             Dated,  Trivandrum,  19—7—1977.

Read:-              Board Orders Nos.EB.II-24780/75 dated 25-2-1977, 10-3-1977 and 28-4-1977.

O  R  D  E  R

                        The Board wishes to clarify that Assistant Engineers who were stagnating in the pre-

revision scale of pay are entitled to get their next increment in the revised scale of pay on due dates

of their increments.

                                                                                                             (By order of the Board)

                                                                                                                  (R. Ravi Varma)


The Chief Engineers (Electricity) & (Civil)

                                                                                                              Forwarded / by order


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